Summary: Rock The Post is a business social network and crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurs looking to jump-start their start-up or small business by building a strong following and gathering funding. Entrepreneurs can post about their venture or idea and spread the word in an open forum to engage with like-minded individuals. Contributions can come in the form of pledges and/or investments.
Best Feature: The in-depth category list allows you to post your business idea specific to its industry. There are currently 36 different categories, many of which cannot be found on other crowdfunding platforms. The unique categories range from home and garden to real estate. By specifying your niche on Rock The Post, your chances of connecting will be maximized.
What To Consider: Although the site encourages collaboration and feedback on the open forum, posts require a detailed campaign with no holes or gaps, as well as a video pitch.
Ideal User: Small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to jump-start their startup by gaining the support and feedback of like-minded individuals will benefit greatly from this open-forum platform.
Full Story Here Mashable
Cost: There is no cost for standard services.